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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating error message “Plugin [id: ‘’, version: ‘7.3.0’, apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources:” while building your Android application? You’re not alone! This pesky error has been plaguing developers for far too long, causing hours of frustration and lost productivity. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of Gradle plugins and uncover the solution to this mystical problem.

What is the plugin?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what this plugin is all about. The plugin is a critical component of the Android Gradle plugin ecosystem. It provides the necessary functionality to build and configure Android applications. Think of it as the engine that powers your Android app’s build process.

In simpler terms, this plugin helps Gradle understand how to compile, package, and deploy your Android app. Without it, you’d be stuck with a broken build process, unable to generate an APK or AAB file.

Why does the error occur?

Now that we’ve covered the importance of the plugin, let’s explore why the error occurs in the first place. There are several reasons why Gradle might not be able to find this plugin:

  • Outdated Gradle version: If you’re using an older version of Gradle, it might not support the latest plugins. Make sure you’re running the latest version of Gradle.
  • Misconfigured build.gradle file: A misplaced or incorrectly configured build.gradle file can prevent Gradle from finding the plugin.
  • Incorrect plugin version: If you’re specifying an incorrect version of the plugin, Gradle won’t be able to find it.
  • Missing repositories: Failing to declare the necessary repositories in your build.gradle file can prevent Gradle from discovering the plugin.

Resolving the error

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s get down to business and resolve this error once and for all!

Step 1: Update Gradle version

Ensure you’re running the latest version of Gradle. You can do this by updating your file:

Update the distributionUrl to point to the latest version of Gradle.

Step 2: Verify the build.gradle file

Double-check your build.gradle file for any misconfigurations. Make sure the plugin is applied correctly:

apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 30
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 30
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

Ensure the plugin is applied before the android block.

Step 3: Check the plugin version

Verify that you’re using the correct version of the plugin. You can do this by adding the following code to your build.gradle file:

android {
    buildToolsVersion "30.0.3"
    compileSdkVersion 30

dependencies {
    classpath ''

Ensure the version of the plugin matches the version specified in your dependencies block.

Step 4: Declare the necessary repositories

Add the following repositories to your build.gradle file:

repositories {

This will ensure that Gradle can find the necessary plugins and dependencies.

Step 5: Clean and rebuild your project

Finally, clean and rebuild your project to ensure that Gradle can find the plugin:

gradle clean build

This will force Gradle to re-resolve its dependencies and plugins.

Troubleshooting common issues

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

Issue 1: Plugin version conflicts

If you’re using a deprecated version of the plugin, you might encounter conflicts with other plugins. Try updating to the latest version of the plugin:

dependencies {
    classpath ''

Issue 2: Missing AndroidManifest.xml

Ensure that your AndroidManifest.xml file is present and correctly configured:



A missing or malformed AndroidManifest.xml file can prevent Gradle from finding the plugin.

Issue 3: Gradle cache issues

Sometimes, Gradle’s cache can become corrupted, preventing it from finding the plugin. Try cleaning the Gradle cache:

gradle --stop
gradle clean build

This will force Gradle to re-resolve its dependencies and plugins.


In conclusion, the “Plugin [id: ‘’, version: ‘7.3.0’, apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources:” error is a frustrating but resolvable issue. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the error and get your Android app building again.

Remember to always keep your Gradle version up-to-date, verify your build.gradle file for misconfigurations, and ensure that you’re using the correct plugin version. If you’re still experiencing issues, try troubleshooting common pitfalls like plugin version conflicts, missing AndroidManifest.xml files, and Gradle cache issues.

Tip Description
Regularly update your Gradle version Ensures you have the latest features and bug fixes
Verify your build.gradle file Prevents misconfigurations that can cause the error
Use the correct plugin version Ensures compatibility with your project’s dependencies

By following these best practices and troubleshooting common issues, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “Plugin [id: ‘’, version: ‘7.3.0’, apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources:” error and getting back to building amazing Android apps!

  1. Android Gradle Plugin Release Notes
  2. Gradle Wrapper
  3. Stack Overflow: Plugin [id: ‘’, version: ‘4.0.0’, apply: false] was not found

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you stuck with the “Plugin [id: ‘’, version: ‘7.3.0’, apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources: – Gradle Core Plugins (plugin” error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Below are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

What does this error message mean?

This error message indicates that the Gradle build system is unable to find the Android application plugin version 7.3.0. This plugin is required to build and compile your Android app. The error is often caused by a misconfigured build.gradle file or a missing plugin declaration.

How do I fix this error?

To fix this error, you need to ensure that you have the correct plugin declaration in your build.gradle file. You can do this by adding the following code to your build.gradle file: `apply plugin: ‘’`. Make sure to update your Gradle version to the latest one and sync your project again.

Why is this error so common?

This error is common because it can be caused by a simple mistake in the build.gradle file, such as a typo or a missing plugin declaration. Additionally, the Android Gradle plugin is constantly being updated, which can cause compatibility issues if not updated properly.

How do I check if I have the latest Gradle version?

To check if you have the latest Gradle version, go to your project’s `` file and check the `distributionUrl` property. It should point to the latest Gradle version. You can also check the official Gradle website for the latest version.

What if I’m still stuck with this error?

If you’re still stuck with this error, try cleaning and rebuilding your project, invalidating cache and restarting Android Studio, or seeking help from online forums and communities. You can also try debugging your build.gradle file line by line to identify the exact cause of the error.

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